It says it on the tin with this place, looking for a refresh? This is your joint. You'll find it past the veg stalls that rival Whole Foods and opposite the Afro-Caribbean hairdressers. But this hipster hangout is far from outta place though, Peckham’s packed with them, so grab a high stool and soak it up honey.
The classic cocktail menu is bang on with Negronis, Espresso Martinis made with the good stuff from local coffee roasters and Black Velvet for those needing a Guinness hit. Keeping it simple? You can’t swing a cat in the south without knocking over a bottle of craft beer and they’re all about delicious wines too; organic, obvs.
Peckham’s serious about food, and this place is no exception. The tapas style menu may be full of stuff you can’t pronounce but the staff have it on lockdown so don't be shy to ask. Everything tastes epic so it’s pretty much impossible to hit this place without getting stuck in to the snacks.
Walking past you’d be fooled in to thinking this was a coffee joint - all glass fronted with outdoor benches and stools looking straight at the street (perfect for people watching). Lucky for you they’re open from 8am for just that. Who said you can’t have it all?