Sunday | 12:00 - 22:30 |
Monday | 12:00 - 00:00 |
Tuesday | 12:00 - 00:00 |
Wednesday | 12:00 - 00:00 |
Thursday | 12:00 - 00:00 |
Friday | 12:00 - 01:00 |
Saturday | 12:00 - 01:00 |
Straight out of the backstreets of Saigon, this lower-ground floor lair rocks the kind-of colonial cool you wouldn’t expect to find beneath the smiley, wallpapered Viet Grill on Kingsland Road.
Yes, you’re in London’s Vietnamese dining district, but who knew that a short tumble down a little red staircase would land you here? Red paper lanterns and low hanging industrial light fittings cast an eerie glow over this small, low-ceilinged space. Diners tuck into the same menu as upstairs, while the dedicated boozers get stuck into the 13 strong oriental cocktail list, hello soldier.
Drink the Love You Rhum Time (Sailor Jerry’s Rum, palm syrup and chocolate bitters smoked with artichoke tea) it’s like a leaner, friendlier take on the Old Fashioned that hits all the low notes with a bang. Wanna play like you’ve been here before? Kick back at the bar and drink Saigon beer and pick at Vietnamese bar snacks with chopsticks to keep yourself upright, now it’s a party.
Sunday | 12:00 - 22:30 |
Monday | 12:00 - 00:00 |
Tuesday | 12:00 - 00:00 |
Wednesday | 12:00 - 00:00 |
Thursday | 12:00 - 00:00 |
Friday | 12:00 - 01:00 |
Saturday | 12:00 - 01:00 |